
国際生命情報科学会 生体機能、脳生理学、精神活動、東洋医学、伝統医学、代替・統合医療、生体放射、気、気功、精神集中、潜在能力、精神的物理現象などの実証的解明を行っている学会。大門はここの常務理事です。
人体科学会 人間性の本質について学際的・総合的な視点から科学的に研究することを目的した学会。大門はここの会員。

『じゅうぞう かみさまとのやくそく』の絵本出版を応援しているページです。


Division of Percpetual Studies, School of Medicine, University of Virginia. Founded by the late Professor Ian Stevenson, the division is one of the leading centers of the survival research.
Society for Scientific Exploration A professional organization of scientists and scholars who study unusual and unexplained phenomena (Member)
Society for Psychical Research Founded in 1882, the first society to conduct organized scholarly research into human experiences that challenge contemporary scientific models (Member)
Dr. Jim B. Tucker's web page. Dr. Tucker is the leading researher of cases of the reincarnation type (CORTs), children with past-life memories.
Dr. James Matlcok's page. Dr. Matlock is a researhcer at the Rhine Institute. His online lecture on the reincarnation phenomena titled "Signs of Reincarnation" is a great course for those interested in the phenomena.
Professor Carlos Alvarado's blog. Lots of information concerning parapsychology is available.
Societas Linguistica Europaea The Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) is the European Association for Linguistics. Its members may be Europeans and Non-Europeans. Its purpose is the advancement, in European countries and elsewhere, of the scientific study of language in all its aspects.